Pavlo Author of the article Pavlo Bilan CEO

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ERP for Startups: When It’s Time to Consider It for Your Business

Having a startup with multiple directions to develop, isn’t an easy task to handle. From investors pitching to crunching numbers and orders fulfillment – the processes require focus, creativity, and plenty of time.

When you feel like there’s something that needs to change it’s time to consider using an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. The right ERP will save your time and money along with consolidating all your startup’s high priority business processes and data in one place. Despite the “enterprise” word in ERP, such a solution is an essential tool for businesses of all types and sizes. You’ll just need to find the best-fitting option for your needs. You should also consider cloud-based solutions as they are more affordable, easy-to-use, and reliable than ever.

Still have doubts about implementing an ERP in your business? Find out 5 reasons to consider it right away.

  1. You use multiple systems and duplicate data

  2. You use multiple systems and duplicate data

    Managing the same data in different unconnected spreadsheets or even systems can cause data loss, incorrectness, and inefficiency. If you rely on this inefficient data, how would you make the right decisions in managing your startup? An ERP will integrate your finance, sales, and customer info in one place so that you can access the latest and right data whenever it’s needed and on any device with an Internet connection.

  3. Your systems are disparate

  4. Your systems are disparate

    Working with data takes too much time on copying, pasting, or importing data from one spreadsheet to another – it’s getting harder to keep everything updated. These systems and spreadsheets are not connected to each other which causes the risk of losing vital data. With a properly set up ERP solution, you won’t need to worry about your sales, finance, fulfillment, and service processes linking. Just imagine you’ll have more time on developing your business – not troubleshooting it.

  5. Lack of business processes visibility

  6. Lack of business processes visibility

    In such a competitive ecosystem, startups need to be agile to succeed. To track key parameters,

    get ready to react to internal and external risks, and scale up when needed – it’s vital for a business owner to have at-a-glance insights into performance. An ERP solution is designed to provide real-time accurate performance reporting and brings transparency to each business department.

  7. Lacking an IT person on your team

  8. Lacking an IT person on your team

    If you manage an early-stage startup, you most likely handle multiple processes by yourself including IT. Let yourself focus on business growth and development by defining the highest priorities along with delegating and automating other tasks. With a cloud-based ERP, you won’t need to worry about IT issues, deployment, etc. Get a ready-to-use tool that can be customized to your business needs without a dedicated IT professional.

  9. Struggling to keep up with reporting

  10. Struggling to keep up with reporting

    Investors require accurate and frequent reporting delivered on time. It’s quite a challenge for most early-stage startups. Even trying to find accounting software for building reports might be hard and time-consuming as most basic systems are not designed for these demands. An ERP system will streamline the data flow and help with building custom detailed reports delivered on time.

If you’re running an early-stage startup and face the same challenges described above, it’s time to consider implementing an ERP solution. If you need any assistance with choosing, customizing the right one for your business, or consider building a custom solution – the Bilsoft team is here to help. Talk to our expert today and we’ll provide a comprehensive consultation for free.

Pavlo Author of the article Pavlo Bilan CEO
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